3.5 StarsFull review at Tempting ReadsThis book is what a contemporary romance should be. The whole focus is on Damien and Mary and their journey into love. Each element--the food, the band, their shared friends--served to enhance the main story, in this case the two of them falling in love, instead of splitting the reader's attention. I'm not saying those stories where the contemporary setting is complemented with a bit of suspense or paranormal creature is bad; but those elements are often used as the spring board for the bond between the couple. In the case of Lush, Mary and Damien come together like normal people do: they meet, they like what they see in each other and then they see what life they could create together. This book, likes its title, was a delicious tale filled with romance, reality, and a cast of characters that you would swear you knew from your own friends. *review copy provided by publisher via NetGalley for honest review