We have all wondered about Jason and his darkness and shadows, and it was good to finally see his past. That being said, there was some things that made this 4 stars instead of 5. First, while each book can be read alone, there is a story arc through them all involving the other angels/archangels. This book felt more like a gateway novel than a story in its own right. I know readers need the background information to help understand somthing big is happening, I just wished that this story had more of an intimacy between the characters like the other books.Second, I wish there had been more information provided on Jason's history and his tattoo. We caught a glimpse of his mother and father through his flashbacks and thoughts, but I still felt unsatisfied. I would have liked to seen more of how his father went mad and why his mother stayed with him. Other than these two things, the book was still a favorite of mine. I love this series and I love Singh. She has a way of describing scenes with flowing words and sentences that take a reader to another level.