Normally I do not like female caught in the middle between two Alphas stories but didn't mind it with this book. From the moment of the opening scene, I was sucked into Celia's mind and her story. There was none of the adjustments I usually have to make for first person voice, like distancing myself from the character because the character;s inner self is so different from mine. She was snarky, confident, protective; the typical older sister--all the things I, myself, demonstrate and enjoy reading about. ;)As this is more urban fiction than PNR, there is no set romantic interest. The author has introduced several potential mates for Celia. Sometimes I like the unexpected twists an author presents but in this case, I really want to see how Celia's relationship with two men develop, Misha and Aric. At this point, she could pick either one and I would be happy. The set up is that good! She has a strong attraction to Aric, but disagrees with some of his actions and beliefs. On the other hand, she has a protective instinct toward Misha that could become something deeper. I really cannot wait until July for A Cursed Embrace.Not quite paranormal romance, not quite urban fiction. No sexual intercourse, although there were plenty of scenes that were smoking hot. Yet it was not as dark as most urban fiction novels tend to be. I found parts of the story the same as other paranormal romance stories--some of the vampire myths, a vulnerability to certain natural elements--however, for the most part, this story had original elements. The combination of telling it in first person yet including her sister's stories too was a breath of fresh air. This book reminded me a little of the Aisling Grey novels by Katie MacAlister in tone and humor. A really excellent start for this debut author.