Originally reviewed at Tempting ReadsThe world Ms. Stone has created in this book was an amalgamation of some of my favorite elements in ficiton: steampunk, erotic romance, and PNR. This wonderful blending, along with a fast paced wit, made for a quick and entertaining read. In a way, this story reminded me of the BBC version of Sherlock (you know I love me some Cumberbatch); the back and forth banter, the esoteric references to people and events, and the intelligence of the main characters. However, as much as I enjoyed the story, there were parts of it I didn’t understand. The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter makes for the third title in the series and there were numerous references to events, key ones at that, happened previously. I had only read the first book before attempting this one and it didn’t help my understanding of this story at all. I think it would have been better if I had read the second title, The Moonstone and Miss Jones, instead. This book read more like an extension of an existing storyline instead of an new one. I would recommend at least reading that book if not the first one before trying this one. *review copy provided by publisher via NetGalley