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Dead Sexy Dragon (Dragon Heat, #1)

Dead Sexy Dragon - Lolita Lopez Reviewed at Tempting ReadsThis was a very disappointing tale. Not only was it too short to allow for good descriptions of the characters, it also didn’t provide a very fulfilling story. Reading this was like being on a diet of oat cakes, they fill the stomach but they’re not really that tasty. You’re left wondering what happened and in need of something else to fill you. This started off as a acquaintances/friends to lovers story but we’re not given much more than a few names on how their pasts are shared.I couldn’t even figure out why I was supposed to care that these two got together. I felt the chemistry between them but I couldn’t say whether I thought a relationship between them would last. They came together because of hormones and when the hormones wore off, they started having doubts. And if the heroine is bailing within 24 hours after swearing she loves the hero, why wouldn’t I do the same?One thing I did like was a few elements of the dragon kind history, although it didn’t make sense, especially why two factions should still be fighting over a possible human/dragon pregnancy that happened almost a THOUSAND years ago. O_o However, while the idea of a race dragons fighting against a group of humans who want to kill them is not a new one, it didn’t feel trite in this story.*review copy provided by publisher via NetGalley for honest review