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Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed, #11)

Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed, #11) - Lara Adrian Full review at Tempting ReadsThis was a fantastic kick-off to a new generation of Breeds. This book contains the same awesome elements of the previous books but with a newer, and fresher edge. It was fast paced and I seriously didn't know what was going to happen from page to page. Mara was especially unpredictable. I was expecting this strong (and kick-ass) female to start whaling on Kellan for what he did but she did the total opposite of what I expected. Even Kellan, who I truly wanted to dislike, grew on me as the story progressed. If Stockholm syndrome was possible in fiction, I would totally be Team Kellan after reading this. Adrian made them real people I grew to understand and like, in spite of their actions.*review copy provided by publisher via Edelweiss