3.5 starsFans of Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series might find this book of interest. While not having as many pop culture references or a hilarious sidekick in the form of a sentient Irish wolf-hound, this book did have it's moments of sarcasm and snark that made for an interesting story. I would have liked to seen more background on Charming's character. We were only shown little bits here and there as it pertained to the story but the bigger questions--like what happened in Alaska a few years ago, why does the order really want him eliminated, and what happened in the swamps of Louisiana that set his change in motion--remained frustratingly unanswered. However, despite these questions, I have no doubt I will read the next book. Most definitely to discover what becomes of the budding romance between Charming and the Valkyrie.*review copy provided by publisher via NetGalley